Friday, 20 November 2015 13:19

Summary for June 2008

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The following is a summary of the June 2008 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In the editorial, "The Housing Adjustment," Angus MacDonald writes that effect of the stimulus checks will do little if anything to avert the mortgage crisis. We are told that stimulus package is a gift, but it is really a tax. The source of the problem was that investors lent money to people who could not afford the loans, and the solution is that the price of houses must fall to the point that they can be bought and sold again.

In the "Letter to the Editor" W. G. Thompson, who is a Medical Doctor, gives his views of what socialism will do to medical care.

In "Iran, the Capital of Terror Central," Herbert London cites six examples of how Iran has become the main enemy in the war against radical Islam; in "Carter's Misguided Peace Gambit" he considers the results of President Carter's foolish trip to the Middle East; in "Chavez and His American Friends: An Unholy Alliance," he details who is meeting with the president of Venezuela, and what he is up to; in "The Kurds of the Middle East," he relates the deplorable conditions the Kurds live under in Syria, Iran, and Turkey, and he wonders why the U.S. is not making allies of the Kurds in our opposition to the Syrian and Iranian regimes; in "Sarkozy as an European Echo," he hears the French President speak of "moralizing capitalism" and senses a continuation of the socialist policies that have kept Europe in the doldrums for decades.

In "William F. Buckley, Jr.: The Intellectual Father of Modern Conservatism," Allan Brownfeld writes about Buckley's life, full of joy and purpose, and his battle for Christianity against atheism, and for individualism, and against collectivism; in "Debate Over the Rev. Wright and Liberation Theology Ignores Dramatic Gains by the Black Community," Allan Brownfeld details the progress black Americans have made in the last 40 years, and he shows how dishonest and destructive Rev. Wright's rhetoric is.

In "Is America Too Religious?" Robert L. Wichterman comments upon the distain Europeans feel for our church-visiting, independence-minded traditions and asks, Who would defend the Europeans, if the United States did not?

In "P. T. Barum's Rules for Success in Business" Clifford F. Thies separates fiction from fact about this justly famous American.

Joseph L. Bast makes his "Opening Remarks at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change" held in March, 2008, in New York City. He challenges the so-called consensus on global warming alarmism with pointed questions, and with facts. Two hundred accomplished and widely published scientists were in attendance at the conference.

Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, in "From Climate Alarmism to Climate Realism," says that it is not the climate but our freedom and prosperity that are endangered by those who would change our economic policies to solve a non-crisis. He says that the link between carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth is undeniable, and that to reduce the emissions would be to force a drastic reduction in our standard of living. He thinks in essence the Communists and global climate alarmists are fellow travelers: both would sacrifice the freedom of the individual for their inhumane visions of how we should live.

The Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change: "Global Warming Is Not a Global Crisis" is the culmination of 2008 International Conference on Climate Change. Among other points, the declaration states that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by scientific method, and that the costly regulation of industry and individuals to reduce C02 emissions would pointlessly slow development without effecting climate change.

In "Concluding Report from the Global Warming Conference," Joseph Bast sums up the results of a hugely successful and greatly appreciated get-together.

David Bean, in "The Wrong Cure," writes that the policy of the Federal Reserve Bank has been to expand access to credit, and so it has weakened the dollar and created inflation. He sees trouble ahead, as the Fed seems not to recognize the problem.

In "The De Facto Nationalization of JPMorgan Chase," Mark W. Hendrickson explains how the Fed is taking steps toward a national banking monopoly.

Thomas Martin, in "The Diverse University: The Victory of the Adjective Over the Noun?" traces the meaning of certain words back to their Latin roots. University Administrators write they are "committed to the academic value of a diverse university community." Thomas Martin shows that they don't know what they are talking about.

In "Writers for Conservatives: 15 -- The Readable Henry James" Jigs Gardner shows how James created and developed his characters "so that by the end we understand them all . . ."

Harry Neuwirth, in "Self-Reliance," writes about how we have lost our way, and what we should do to correct course.

Dwight D. Murphey reviews Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, by Barack Obama.

Read 4035 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:38
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