Wednesday, 16 December 2015 11:16

Summary for October 2013

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The following is a summary of the October/November 2013 issue of the St. Croix Review:

Barry MacDonald, in "Washington D. C. - Their Town," reveals that Washington politics is an insider's game: politicians, consultants, lobbyists, and media personalities are in it for themselves.

Mark Hendrickson, in "Technology May Spur 10+ Career Changes for Today's Youth: Are We Ready?" asks whether humans can adapt to the pace of change when knowledge doubles every two years; in "Smarter Government Might Be President Obama's Most Vacuous Banality Yet," he explains why the embedded incentives of bureaucracies must produce poor results; in "Ben Bernanke: 'The Greatest Central Banker in U.S. History'?" he shows the fallacies and follies of the Fed's actions; in "Your Nosebleed Student Loan Debt Pays the Tuition of the Classmate Next to You," he reveals that lawmakers and colleges have decided to subsidize worthless courses by forcing students with economically advantageous degrees to pay more.

Herbert London, in "Listen to Lincoln," cites surprising aspects of Lincoln's character that embody the noble qualities of the historical American spirit; in "Raising the Flag at Ground Zero," he writes about left-wing officials, in charge of the museum on the site of the collapsed Twin Towers, who are embarrassed by the display of American patriotism; in "The Radical Agenda for America," he lays out the left-wing plan for transformation; in "Decline, Decline, Decline," he lists markers of the turning of American culture.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Washington Is Dysfunctional - But Our Permanent Political Class Is Alive, Well, and Thriving," shows how both parties are working behind the scenes to share power, fame, and money, while taking as much as they can from taxpayers; in "When Government Lies to the People, the Fabric of Representative Democracy Itself Is the Victim," he reports on a pattern of deceit by intelligence officials (even under oath) who refuse to disclose the extent of surveillance programs on U.S. citizens; in "Detroit's Bankruptcy Should Focus Attention on Unfunded Public Pensions Nationwide," he shows who is to blame for Detroit's mess - there will be many more examples of Detroit-style bankruptcy; in "Conviction of Major Hasan in Ft. Hood Killings Raises Many Questions - Most Important, Why the Americans He Murdered Are Not Considered Victims of Terrorism," he reveals military/government incompetence and dishonesty.

Paul Kengor, in "Liberals Embrace Fatherless (and Motherless) Families," writes that in their zeal for gay marriage liberals have excluded either fathers or mothers; in "Bill Clark's Divine Plan - Ronald Reagan's Top Hand Has Died," he memorializes a great man few Americans know; in "In Memoriam: An FBI Life," he tells the story of another great American few Americans know.

Thomas Martin, in "If Aristotle's Kid Had an iPod," writes about the upbringing of children in learning virtue, friendship, and happiness.

Francis P. DeStefano, in "Declaration of Independence," provides insight and context to one of our Founding documents.

In "A Divided Culture," Robert Wichterman considers what holds us together and pulls us apart.

In "Americans at Work: Diesel Engineer," Fred Marcus explains how mechanical engineers operate, how much their efforts cost the company, and the miracles they accomplish: 96 percent of the soot produced by diesel engines has been eliminated since 1996!

Jigs Gardner, in "Letters from a Conservative Farmer - The Nature of Nature," lays his finger on the truth that Adam and Eve had to learn after Paradise vanished.

Jigs Gardner, in "Writers for Conservatives, 47 - The Historical Spy Novels of Alan Furst," describes writing that perfectly captures material details, and the way people thought, felt, and behaved before and during W.W. II.

Read 4316 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 11:58
The St. Croix Review

The St. Croix Review speaks for middle America, and brings you essays from patriotic Americans.
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