Sunday, 20 December 2015 08:09

Summary for October 2015

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The following is a summary of the October/November 2015 issue of The St. Croix Review:

In a "Letter to the Editor," Captain Robert A. Moss informs the editor about an important development.

Barry MacDonald, in "In Defense of the American Family," presents the thrust of this issue of the St. Croix Review.

Timothy Goeglein, in "Whither the American Family?" expresses how the family is the foundation of civilization.

Paul Kengor, in "Wolfboy and Princess Cupcake: The Complementarity of the Sexes," reaffirms the ideal form of a family headed by a father and mother; in "Takedown of Family and Marriage - Vision and Values' Questions and Answers with Paul Kengor," he discusses how the long-time goal of the far left, the undermining of traditional, Christian marriage, is coming within reach through the vehicle of gay marriage; in "Black Pastors Protest Margaret Sanger at the Smithsonian," he shows why Sanger, who was a racial eugenicist and the founder of Planned Parenthood, should not have a place of honor in America.

Allan C. Brownfeld, in "Every Tragic Incident - Such as That in Missouri - Produces Cries That America Is a 'Racist' Society, but Overlooks a More Complex Reality," points out that the breakdown of the black family has much to do with violence plaguing black males; in "Family Breakdown: One Important Cause of Many of Society's Ills," he recalls Daniel Patrick Moynihan's warnings about the "tangle of pathologies" that would flow from single-parent families; in "There Is a Growing Danger That Police Are Being Made Scapegoats for Larger Racial Problems That Society Ignores," he cites, as a problem, the destructive character of black inner-city culture.

Mark Hendrickson, in "Sex, Life, and Death," considers the influence abortion has had on our culture; in "Welcome to the Brave New World Devised by SCOTUS," he examines the Supreme Court decisions in King, Texas Department of Housing, and Obergefell and believes it has been a "tough season" for long-venerated American principles.

Herbert London, in "Obama's Julia," cites the Obama's campaign creation of "Julia," a made-up person who represents President Obama's view - an ordinary woman who can't succeed without government's helping hand; in "The Gulf States Accept the Iran Deal - or Do They?" he shows how reality is quite different from surface appearance in diplomacy; in "It's Only a Paper Moon," he quotes the belligerent declarations of Iranian military officers and offers an explanation as to why the Obama administration refuses to listen.

Michael D. Dean, in "How the Supreme Court Has Deconstructed Marriage and Culture," shows how the Court, as a reflection of our changing culture, has gone from believing that marriage is an institution of nature or of God's design to an institution falling entirely within the scope of law which can therefore be redefined according to the whims of fashion.

Avner Zarmi, in "Want to Avoid Raising a Brat? Here's What You Need to Know," applies biblical instruction to the raising of children.

In "Things You Can Do to Raise Sane Kids in an Insane World," Arlene Becker Zarmi shares twenty-eight tips.

Jigs Gardner, in "Letters from a Conservative Farmer: Memorabilia," is faced with sorting though family heirlooms and memories of what has vanished and of what remains.

Jigs Gardner, in "Reveille in Washington, D.C." reviews a history of the Civil War by Margaret Leech, who captures the contemporaneous events from the view of the Capital.

Read 4479 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 11:48
The St. Croix Review

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